Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m.



God's Promised Land

Allows children, PreK-5th grade to rotate to a different creative "workshop" and different teacher each week.  They study the same story for 4-5 weeks through a variety of experiences and methods.  The workshops include:

Paul's Cyber Journey            Ruth's Show of Faith

Carpenter's Corner                         Daniel's Den

Mary and Martha's Breakfast


Youth Sunday School: 

The Middle School and High School Youth use the weekly LinC (Living in Christ) series to relate current events and topics to their faith life.


The Adult 1 Class:

Uses the Present Word curriculum, a lectionary based Bible study. The Present Word seeks to facilitate mastery of Bible content, understanding of the Bible in relation to life experiences and a greater awareness of God's self-disclosure.  This class is led by Wade Moore.

The Adult 2 Class:


This class is also available via Zoom

Meeting ID: 915 8659 7246

Password: 7wRqSX 


Studies books from the James Moore series.  This series of books, which include study guides, applies Bible truths to everyday life in an insightful...meaningful...and inspiring way. Some of the titles that have been studied include:  "Yes, Lord, I Have Sinned, But I Have Several Excellent Excuses", "God Was Here and I Was Out To Lunch", "Rich in the Things that Count the Most", "There's a Hole in Your Soul that Only God Can Fill", and "If God Has a Refrigerator, Your Picture is On It". This class is led by Mickey Norris.


The Young Adult Class:

Uses a DVD-based curriculum to examine the relationship between the Gospel and modern culture / issues.


Core 13

Based on I Corinthians 13 is a caring group of adults meeting Sunday mornings to support each other through encouragement, prayer and the unhurried study of Scripture. Open Bibles, minds and open to you and your friends!